Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the npm package @bagawork/editor (link to npm).


The npm package @bagawork/editor is a library implementing our Online Editor. A project in the Editor is a JS object that contains all information the Editor needs to know about the BagaWork app implemented in it.

  • @bagawork/editor/src/components/LoadEditor.svelte is a Svelte component one can use to show our Online Editor
  • @bagawork/editor/src/functions/compressor.js exports two functions:
    • getCompressedProject(project) to get a project created in the Editor as a compressed string (project → JSONpakoBase64) known as the BagaCode
    • getDecompressedProject(compressedProjectString) to decompress a project compressed with the previous function (Base64 → pako → JSON → project)

Quick start

  1. npm install @bagawork/editor
  2. In a Svelte component, to show the LoadEditor component:
    	import LoadEditor from '@bagawork/editor/components/LoadEditor.svelte'
    	// The onClick() functions will receive the BagaCode
    	// of the project at the time the button is clicked.
    	const mainMenuOptions = [{
    		text: "Text option 1",
    		onClick(bagaCode){ alert("Click on text option 1") },
    	}, {
    		text: "Text option 2",
    		onClick(bagaCode){ alert("Click on text option 2") },
    	}, /* ... */]
    <div class="editor">
    		Both props are optional. If you don't provide any
    		BagaCode, the editor will load a default project.
    		bagaCode="Optional BagaCode"
    		width: 500px;
    		height: 500px;