Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the npm package @bagawork/framework (link to npm).


The npm package @bagawork/framework contains the various framework classes, components and functions that is needed to run a BagaWork app. Checkout the Documentation pages to learn how most of these works (that page only contains the documentation for the public things, the package also contains some things that are only used internally).

Quick start

  1. npm install @bagawork/framework
  2. import {
    } from '@bagawork/framework'
    export function createApp({a, p, log}){
    	class MyApp extends App{
    			return StartPage
    	const StartPage = createPageCreator(`StartPage`, class extends Page{
    			return Button.text(`View greeting`).page(GreetingPage)
    	const GreetingPage = createPageCreator(`GreetingPage`, class extends Page{
    			return Text.text(`Hello, world!`)
    	return {
    		App: MyApp,
    		Pages: {
  3. <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<meta charset="UTF-8">
    	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    	<title>My App</title>
    			width: 100px;
    			height: 300px;
    	<script type="module">
    		// The file exporting your createApp() function, or write the
    		// createApp() function directly in this <script> element.
    		import { createApp } from './create-app.js'
    		// Can't import showAppInElement from the package directly in
    		// a web browser like this, but you get the idea.
    		import { showAppInElement } from '@bagawork/framework'
    		document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
    			const screenElement = document.querySelector('#screen')
    			// Read more about runtimeSettings further down.
    			const runtimeSettings = {}
    	<div id="screen"></div>

Runtime settings

Saving and restoring the state

Each time the app changes which page to show to the user, the app's internal state (app variables, page variables, etc.) might have been changed. If you want the user to be able to close the app and later start it again with the same state as it had as when the user closed the app, you need to store the state the app had when it was closed, and then start the app with that stored state.

Set runtimeSettings.onStateChange to (newState) => localStorage['state'] = JSON.stringify(newState) to listen for when the app changes page and store the new state of the app in JSON format in localStorage.

Set runtimeSettings.state to JSON.parse(localStorage['state'] ?? '""') || null to start the app with the state (potentially) stored in localStorage.

Dealing with updates

If a state has been stored, and the app then starts with that state running in a new version of the app, an update in the app needs to happen (the onUpdate() methods in the app needs to be called, etc.).

Set runtimeSettings.version to the current version of the app, and the framework will perform the update (call the onUpdate methods in the app, etc.) if this version is higher than the version of the app stored in the state.

Listening for errors

Set runtimeSettings.onError to (errorMessage) => console.log(errorMessage) to listen for when the code in the app crashes. When an error occurs, the app will also display the error message on the screen.


Set runtimeSettings.isPreview to true for Page.onBeforeDirections() not take effect (will probably only be used by the editor).


Set runtimeSettings.onLog to (type, value) => console.log(type, value) to make the app log messages. type = `framework` means that it's the framework that logged the message, type = `user` means that the app creator logged the message by calling the log function.

Implementation details

A BagaWork app is implemented as a function (referred to as the createApp() function) that returns the App class that should be used, together with all the Pages that are used. The reason for this design is so that the App and Page classes can have access to the BagaWork variables a and p. For an example, see the Quick start code above.


When the app should be created, the framework will call the createApp() function and pass it an environment, which is a plain JS object with the following properties:

  • a is a reference to the App instance
  • p is a reference to the currently shown Page instance
sequenceDiagram participant Framework participant createApp(environment) Framework->>Framework: Creates environment Framework->>createApp(environment): createApp(environment) createApp(environment)->>createApp(environment): Creates App and all Page classes createApp(environment)->>Framework: Returns App

Setting up the environment for createApp() is not straight forward, since the p property needs to be updated to contain the current page in the app. To make that happen, the environment is actually implemented as a JS proxy that intercepts property access and send back the correct value, but to the one implementing the createApp() function it can be seen as a JS object that always contains up-to-date values.

FrameworkApp & FrameworkPage VS App & Page

To hide framework implementation details as much as possible from the ones implementing BagaWork apps, App and Page contains no framework logic:

  • The logic for App is implemented in FrameworkApp (it has access to the App that should be used, and an instance of it)
  • The logic for Page is implemented in FrameworkPage (it has a access to the currently shown Page, and an instance of it)

BagaWork then uses FrameworkApp and FrameworkPage, and they in turn use the provided App and Page classes when they need to get some info from them.

flowchart LR Framework -- Uses --> FrameworkApp -- Uses --> App Framework -- Uses --> FrameworkPage -- Uses --> Page

FrameworkApp and FrameworkPage also have access to each other.

Using FrameworkApp as a context

FrameworkApp does contain "the logic for the app" (as one can expect), but it also serves as a context that contains "global" information. Instead of giving other classes the small amount of extra information they actually need, they are given a reference to the FrameworkApp instance, so they can obtain whichever information they want from it themselves.

An example of this are GUI components. Some of them need to use frameworkApp.runtimeSettings.isPreview to know if they should function the real way, or only in a preview way. But instead of giving the components only runtimeSettings, they receive the entire frameworkApp object.

This architecture makes the code structure easier to understand; you can always access any information you need from the frameworkApp object you have access to, no matter where you write the code 😀

Starting the app

To run your app, pass your createApp() function to a new FrameworkApp instance:

const runtimeSettings = {}
const frameworkApp = new FrameworkApp(createApp, runtimeSettings)

You can read more about the runtime settings you can use further down on this page.

It is also possible to pass a string that contains JS code that evaluates to the createApp() function instead of passing it the createApp() function directly.

Then simply call frameworkApp.start() to make the machinery start! The figure below shows the order methods are invoked when starting the app for the first time.

sequenceDiagram participant FrameworkApp participant App participant FrameworkPage participant Page FrameworkApp->>App: onBefore() FrameworkApp->>App: createStartPage() App->>Page: Creates App->>FrameworkApp: startPage FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: loadPage(startPage) Note over FrameworkApp: Start loadPage(page) FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: Create page FrameworkPage->>Page: createBeforeDirections() FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: getFirstTrueBeforeDirection() FrameworkPage->>FrameworkApp: null or direction alt Got direction FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: loadPage(direction.getPage()) FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: return end FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: runOnBefore() FrameworkPage->>Page: onBefore() FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: initializeTheRest() FrameworkPage->>Page: page.createGui(), ... Note over FrameworkApp: End loadPage(page) FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: Wait until someone calls moveOn() Note over FrameworkApp: Start moveOn() FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: runOnAfter FrameworkPage->>Page: onAfter FrameworkApp->>FrameworkPage: getFirstTrueAfterDirection() alt Got direction FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: loadPage(direction.getPage()) else Get no direction FrameworkApp->>FrameworkApp: loadPage(currentPage) end Note over FrameworkApp: End moveOn()