Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.

5. Paper

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Paper component to draw images in your app yourself.


The Paper component is a layout that you can draw whatever you want on yourself, so it's similar to the Image component, but instead of specifying the URL of the image, you specify how the image should be drawn using lines, circles, rectangles, etc.

Creating a Paper component instance

To create a new Paper component instance, simply write Paper.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Paper.backgroundColor(`gold`)

Dimensioning the Paper

Often, you want the Paper to be of a certain size. That can easily be achieved by putting it in a Box component.


Example of a Paper component instance put in a Box component instance to make it 30mm wide and 50mm tall.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(

The coordinate system

To draw something on the Paper, you need to specify where on the Paper it should be drawn. To specify that, you need to know how the coordinate system the Paper is using works.

The Paper component uses a coordinate system with an X-axe and a Y-axe:

  • The X-axe:
    • Starts at the left side of the Paper component (X=0 at the left side)
    • Increases towards the right
    • Ends with 100 on the right side (can be configured)
  • The Y-axes:
    • Starts at the bottom side of the Paper component (Y=0 at the bottom side)
    • Increases towards the top
    • Ends with 100 on the top side (can be configured)

For an example of this, see next sub-chapter.

Showing the coordinate system

To show the coordinate system, call the configuraiton method showCoordinates() on the Paper component. When you call this method, the following will be drawn on the Paper:

  • Some horizontal lines
  • Some vertical lines
  • The mouse's position in the upper right corner

This is something you can use during development, but after you have fininshed writing your code, you probably want to remove the call to showCoordinates(), since you don't want your users to see it.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(

Setting the coordinate system

That the coordinate system uses the width 100 and height 100 often only makes sense when the width and the height of the Paper component are the same. If they are not (as in the previous example), then the size of one unit on the X-axe is not equally big as one unit on the Y-axe, and this makes it hard to use.

So, if the widht and the height of the Paper component are not the same, it is often usefull to change the width and height of the coordinate system to match the actual width and height of the Paper component. That can be done by calling the configuration method coordinateSystem() on the Paper component. Pass it two values:

  • The desired width of the coordinate system as a number
  • The desired height of the coordinate system as a number

Example setting the width of the coordinate system to 30, and the height of the coordinate system to 50.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(
			Paper.backgroundColor(`gold`).coordinateSystem(30, 50).showCoordinates(),

Drawing things on the Paper

To draw various things on the Paper component, call the configuration method children(), and pass it the various components that can be drawn on the Paper. The components that can be drawn on the Paper component all have names starting with Paper, such as:

  • PaperLine for drawing a line
  • PaperCircle for drawing a circle
  • PaperRectangle for drawing a rectangle

Learn more about how to use these next. Ordinary GUI components, such as Text and Button, can't be used as children in the Paper component.

Drawing a line

Use the GUI component PaperLine to draw a line on the Paper component. It has default values for all different properties (position, color, etc.), so you can use it as it is.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(

Call various configuration methods on the PaperLine component to change where and how it's drawn on the Paper:

  • Call start(x, y) to indicate the position of the start of the line
  • Call end(x, y) to indicate the position of the end of the line
  • Call thickness(theNumber) to indicate how thick the line should be
  • Call backgroundColor(theColor) to indicate the color of the line
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(
				PaperLine.start(10, 10).end(20, 20).thickness(2).backgroundColor(`blue`),
				PaperLine.start(10, 20).end(20, 10).thickness(5).backgroundColor(`pink`),

Drawing a circle

Use the GUI component PaperCircle to draw a circle on the Paper component. It has default values for all different properties (position, color, etc.), so you can use it as it is.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(

Call various configuration methods on the PaperCircle component to change where and how it's drawn on the Paper:

  • Call center(x, y) to indicate the position of the center of the circle
  • Call radius(theRadius) to indicate the radius of the circle
  • Call backgroundColor(theColor) to indicate the color of the circle
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(
			Paper.backgroundColor(`gold`).children(, 0).radius(10).backgroundColor(`blue`),, 30).radius(3).backgroundColor(`lime`),

Drawing a rectangle

Use the GUI component PaperRectangle to draw a rectangle on the Paper component. It has default values for all different properties (position, color, etc.), so you can use it as it is.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(

Call various configuration methods on the PaperRectangle component to change where and how it's drawn on the Paper:

  • Call center(x, y) to indicate the position of the center of the rectangle
  • Call width(theWidth) to indicate the width of the rectangle
  • Call height(theHeight) to indicate the height of the rectangle
  • Call backgroundColor(theColor) to indicate the color of the rectangle
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.width(30).height(50).child(
			Paper.backgroundColor(`gold`).children(, 30).height(30).width(20).backgroundColor(`blue`),, 15).height(10).width(15).backgroundColor(`lime`),

That's it!

Woho! 🥳 Now you know how to use images in your BagaWork apps, goor work!