6. Booleans, keepIf()
and showIf()
This tutorial will teach you how to use boolean values in JavaScript, and conditionally keep/remove or show/hide GUI components.
The boolean datatype
An app often needs to do different things depending on if an answer to a question is yes or no. Examples of that are:
- In a message app: Do you have 0 messages?
- If yes, show the text You have no messages
- If no, show a list with the messages
- In a health app: Is the entered age negative?
- If yes, show the text The age you enter must be greater than or equal to 0
- If no, show the text The entered age is OK
To represent these yes and no answers, we can use the boolean datatype in JavaScript. This datatype only have two possible values:
means yesfalse
means no
So instead of thinking of it like the question Do you have 0 messages?, this datatype thinks of it like a statement that is correct (true
) or incorrect (false
), i.e.:
- In a message app: You have 0 messages
- If
, show the text You have no messages - If
, show a list with the messages
- If
- In a health app: The entered age is negative
- If
, show the text The age must be greater than or equal to 0 - If
, show the text The entered age is OK
- If
and false
, like all values in JavaScript, can be stored in variables and constants, just like strings and numbers.
Don't surround true
with the `
character! If you do, you create the string that contains the characters t
, r
, u
and e
, and not the boolean value true
that means that something is correct.
The same goes for false
too, of course.
Example of an app that uses a boolean page variable.
class StartPage extends Page{
isGirl = true
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`isGirl = ${p.isGirl}`),
Button.text(`I'm a boy!`).onClick(p.setIsBoy),
Button.text(`I'm a girl!`).onClick(p.setIsGirl),
p.isGirl = false
p.isGirl = true
A constant/variable that stores a boolean value usually has a name that starts with is
or has
to indicate that, like:
Conditionally keeping components
Using boolean values we can conditionally keep/remove GUI components using the configuration method keepIf()
. When you call this method, you should pass it a boolean value, and if that value is false
, the component will be removed, and not used in the GUI.
Example of an app that uses keepIf()
class StartPage extends Page{
return Rows.children(
Text .text(`1. This Text component doesn't call keepIf() at all, so it will be used as usual.`),
Text.keepIf(false).text(`2. This Text component passes false to keepIf(), so it will be removed and not used, so you don't see this text in the app.`),
Text.keepIf(true) .text(`3. This Text component passes true to keepIf(), so it will be used as usual.`),
Directly passing true
or false
to keepIf()
is of course not that meaningful. Instead, you can use a variable to pass a boolean value to keepIf()
, so you pass different values to keepIf()
depending on what value is stored in that variable.
Example of an app that uses a boolean page variable to conditionally keep/remove a GUI component.
class StartPage extends Page{
isGirl = true
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`isGirl = ${p.isGirl}`),
Text.text(`You are a girl!`).keepIf(p.isGirl),
Button.text(`I'm a boy!`).onClick(p.setIsBoy),
Button.text(`I'm a girl!`).onClick(p.setIsGirl),
p.isGirl = false
p.isGirl = true
Computations with booleans
In the previous example, we kept a special Text
component using:
Text.text(`You are a girl!`).keepIf(p.isGirl)
But how can we keep a special Text
component if the user on the other hand is a boy (i.e. when p.isGirl
has the value false
)? Just as we can use mathematical operations with numbers, there are some operations we can use with boolean values. The simplest is the ==
operation, which checks if the value to left of ==
is equal to the value to the right of it. If they are equal, the result of the operation is true
, and if they are not equal, the result is instead false
So, to check if the user is a boy, we can compare p.isGirl
with false
using the ==
Example showing different texts to boys and girls.
class StartPage extends Page{
isGirl = true
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`isGirl = ${p.isGirl}`),
Text.text(`You are a girl!`).keepIf(p.isGirl),
Text.text(`You are a boy!`).keepIf(p.isGirl == false),
Button.text(`I'm a boy!`).onClick(p.setIsBoy),
Button.text(`I'm a girl!`).onClick(p.setIsGirl),
p.isGirl = false
p.isGirl = true
We used the following code to check if the user is a girl:
Text.text(`You are a girl!`).keepIf(p.isGirl)
If you think the code becomes easier to read, you can also compare p.isGirl
with true
Text.text(`You are a girl!`).keepIf(p.isGirl == true)
Both ways work equally good, so feel free to do whichever way you think is the easiest to understand.
It's common for beginners to forget to use ==
when checking for equality, and instead write =
, but then the code will not work as they indend to. The code might still run if you use =
to check for equality (remember, =
means the variable to the left should be assigned the value to the right), so it's really important to remember to write ==
when checking for equality.
Computations resulting in a boolean value
The ==
operation can not only be used on booleans; you can use it to compare numbers or strings too. There are also some additional operations that results in a boolean value that can be used on numbers and strings:
Operation | Symbol | Example | Result |
Equality | == | 5 == 4 | false |
Inequality | != | 5 != 4 | true |
Less than | < | 5 < 4 | false |
Less than or equal to | <= | 5 <= 4 | false |
Example showing different Text
component based on the number in a page variable.
class StartPage extends Page{
counter = 0
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`${p.counter} (it's negative!)`).keepIf(p.counter < 0),
Text.text(`Zero`).keepIf(p.counter == 0),
Text.text(`${p.counter}`).keepIf(1 <= p.counter),
Text.text(`It's a big number!`).keepIf(9 < p.counter),
p.counter -= 1
p.counter += 1
Conditionally showing components
The configuration method keepIf()
removes the component if the argument you pass to it is false
. Although this often is really useful, it sometimes has a drawback: other GUI components on the screen might not be posistioned where you want them to be.
Example showing how some Text
components "jump around" on the screen when clicking on the button.
class StartPage extends Page{
counter = 1
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`Hi there!`).keepIf(1 <= p.counter),
Text.text(`How are you?`).keepIf(2 <= p.counter),
Text.text(`I am fine.`).keepIf(3 <= p.counter),
p.counter += 1
To avoid this, we want the components not shown on the screen to still occupy the space they would occupy if they wouldn't have been removed. To accomplish this, we can use the configuration method showIf()
instead of keepIf()
. showIf()
works the same way as keepIf()
, but the component will still occupy space when it's not shown.
Example showing how some Text
components always occupy space on the screen, but they are not always shown.
class StartPage extends Page{
counter = 1
return Rows.children(
Text.text(`Hi there!`).showIf(1 <= p.counter),
Text.text(`How are you?`).showIf(2 <= p.counter),
Text.text(`I am fine.`).showIf(3 <= p.counter),
p.counter += 1
If you should use keepIf()
or showIf()
in your app does of course depend on how you want your app to work.
Complete the exercises below to see if you have fully mastered what has been taught in this tutorial.
This BagaWork project contains an empty page. Change the code in it, so it functions as shown below.
This app can also be implemented as two different pages, but to practice on what has been taught in this tutorial, you may only use one page.
The GUI actually contains two buttons, but only one of them is shown at a time! Use a boolean value to keep track of whether the first or the second button should be shown, and use two different click handler methods (one for each button) to change that value to true
That's it!
Hurray, now you know how to conditionally keep/remove and show/hide GUI components! 🥳 Good work! Now there is only one more tutorial in this section, and that is Tutorial 7. onBefore()