Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for how to style text in your BagaWork apps using BBCode.

Font is an alternative

BBCode is used to style smaller parts of a text. If you want to style all text in a GUI component, you're often better off using Font.


Various GUI components display text on the screen, such as the Text component and the Button component. That text can be styled using BBCode if you set the text with the configuration methods textWithBBCode() instead of text().

[b] - Making text bold

To make text display as bold, surround the text with [b] and [/b].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [b]how are[/b] you?`

[i] - Making text italic

To make text display as italic, surround the text with [i] and [/i].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [i]how are[/i] you?`

[u] - Making text underlined

To make text display as underlined, surround the text with [u] and [/u].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [u]how are[/u] you?`

[s] - Making text strikedhroughed

To make text display as strikethoughed, surround the text with [s] and [/s].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [s]how are[/s] you?`

[size] - Changing the size of the text

To change the size of the text, surround the text with [size=THE_SIZE] and [/size], where THE_SIZE is the number of millimeters tall the text should be.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [size=15]how are[/size] you?`

[color] - Changing the color of the text

To change the color of the text, surround the text with [color=THE_COLOR] and [/color], where THE_COLOR is the name of the color in English the text should have, such as red or blue.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Hello, [color=red]how are[/color] you?`

[url] - Making text a URL

To make text display as a URL the user can click on to open the webpage the URL leads to in a web browser, surround the text with [url] and [/url].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Go to [url][/url].`

If you want the URL to display another text, surround the text with [url=THE_URL] and [/url].

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.textWithBBCode(
			`Go to [url=]Nintendo's website[/url].`