Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the class Time.


You can use the Time class to create an object that represents a specific point in time.

Creating a new Time object

To create a new Time object, simply write Time. This way, you obtain a Time object representing the time 0001-01-01 00:00:00. Below you can see the names for the different parts a Time object consists of.

   Date     Clock  
┝━━━━━━━━┥ ┝━━━━━━┥
0001-01-01 00:00:00
┝━━┥ ┝┥ ┝┥ ┝┥ ┝┥ ┝┥
Year │  │ Hour │  │
  Month │  Minute │
       Day     Second

Often, you want to obtain the time that happen to be when your code is running. Call the method setNow() on your Time object to change the time in it to the time that happened to be when the computer calls setNow().

Retrieving parts from a Time object

Use the different getXXX() methods on the Time object to retrieve the different parts. The methods ending with AsString() returns a string, the other ones return a number.

  • getDate() to get the date parts of the time (year, month and day of month) as a string
  • getClock() to get the clock parts (hour, minute and second) of the time as a string
  • getYear() to get the year
  • getMonth() to get the month
  • getDay() to get the day
  • getHour() to get the hour
  • getMinute() to get the minute
  • getSecond() to get the second
  • getMillisecond() to get the millisecond
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	time = Time.setNow()
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`getDate(): ${p.time.getDate()}`),
			Text.text(`getYear(): ${p.time.getYear()}`),
			Text.text(`getMonth(): ${p.time.getMonth()}`),
			Text.text(`getDay(): ${p.time.getDay()}`),
			Text.text(`getClock(): ${p.time.getClock()}`),
			Text.text(`getHour(): ${p.time.getHour()}`),
			Text.text(`getMinute(): ${p.time.getMinute()}`),
			Text.text(`getSecond(): ${p.time.getSecond()}`),
			Text.text(`getMillisecond(): ${p.time.getMillisecond()}`),

Changing a Time object

Use the different setXXX() methods on the Time object to change which time it should represent. All setXXX() methods return the Time object itself, so method calls are chainable, just as they are for GUI components. Use:

  • setNow() to populate the time object with the time that happen to be when the call to setNow() is executed by the computer
  • setDate() to set the year, month and day of month
  • setClock() to set the hour, minute and second
  • setYear() to set the year
  • setMonth() to set the month
  • setDay() to set the day of month
  • setHour() to set the hour
  • setMinute() to set the minute
  • setSecond() to set the second
  • setMillisecond() to set the millisecond
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class StartPage extends Page{
	time = Time.setClock(5, 6, 7).setYear(2000)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`getDate(): ${p.time.getDate()}`),
			Text.text(`getClock(): ${p.time.getClock()}`),

There are also several addXXX() methods avaialble to add seconds, minutes, hours, etc. to the Time object:

  • addMilliseconds() to add a some number of milliseconds to the Time object
  • addSeconds() to add a some number of seconds to the Time object
  • addMinutes() to add a some number of minutes to the Time object
  • addHours() to add a some number of hours to the Time object
  • addDays() to add a some number of days to the Time object
  • addMonths() to add a some number of months to the Time object
  • addYears() to add a some number of years to the Time object
Removing time

No removeXXX() methods exist. Instead, simply pass negative numbers to the addXXX() methods to remove time, e.g. addHours(-1) to remove one hour from the Time object.

Watch out!

addMonths() and addYears() are not always intuitive to use. For example, if you have a Time object representing the date 2023-01-31 and you add one month to it, it will not represent the date 2023-02-31, because that date doesn't exist! Instead, some logic is applied to find a logical valid date close to 2023-02-31.

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class StartPage extends Page{
	yesterday = Time.setNow().addDays(-1)
	today = Time.setNow()
	tomorrow = Time.setNow().addDays(1)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Yesterday is: ${p.yesterday.getDate()}`),
			Text.text(`Today is: ${}`),
			Text.text(`Tomorrow is: ${p.tomorrow.getDate()}`),

getCopy() - Obtaining a copy

Call the method getCopy() to get back a new Time object representing the same time as the one in the Time object you called the method on.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	original = Time.setNow()
	copy = null
	notCopy = null
		// We store a copy of the time object in "copy".
		p.copy = p.original.getCopy()
		// So changes to "copy" only affects that time object.
		// Here we don't create a copy, so both "notCopy" and
		// "original" refers to one and the same time object!
		p.notCopy = p.original
		// So if we change the time object through the "notCopy"
		// variable, the changes will also be shown through the
		// "original" variable!
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`original: ${p.original.getDate()}`),
			Text.text(`copy: ${p.copy.getDate()}`),
			Text.text(`notCopy: ${p.notCopy.getDate()}`),

Comparing Time objects

Use the different isXXX() methods to compare different Time objects:

  • timeA.isSameAs(timeB) to check if the Time objects timeA and timeB represent the same point in time
  • timeA.isBefore(timeB) to check if the Time object timeA represents a time that happen before the Time object timeB represents
  • timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(timeB) to check if the Time object timeA represents a time that happen before or at the same time the Time object timeB represents
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class StartPage extends Page{
	timeA = Time.setDate(2023, 12, 17)
	timeB = Time.setDate(2023, 12, 17)
	timeC = Time.setDate(2023, 12, 18)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`timeA.isSameAs(timeB): ${p.timeA.isSameAs(p.timeB)}`),
			Text.text(`timeA.isSameAs(timeC): ${p.timeA.isSameAs(p.timeC)}`),
			Text.text(`timeA.isBefore(timeB): ${p.timeA.isBefore(p.timeB)}`),
			Text.text(`timeA.isBefore(timeC): ${p.timeA.isBefore(p.timeC)}`),
			Text.text(`timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(timeB): ${p.timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(p.timeB)}`),
			Text.text(`timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(timeC): ${p.timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(p.timeC)}`),

You can also use:

  • timeA < timeB instead of timeA.isBefore(timeB)
  • timeA <= timeB instead of timeA.isBeforeOrSameAs(timeB)
== does not work!

You cannot use timeA == timeB to check if they represent the same point in time, because in JavaScript, the == operator always checks if the objects refer to the same object instance.