Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the GUI Component Box.


The Box component is a layout that can have an optional child with a specific width and height specified by you in millimeters. So if you ever want to give a GUI component a specific width and height, just use it as a child in a Box component.

The Box component will by default be sized per the GUI layout you use it in or cover the entire screen if it's the root GUI component. But its child component can be smaller than that.


Example showing what the Box component looks like when shown on the screen.

child() - Setting the child

Use the configuration method child() to tell the Box component which (optional) child it should have.

If the Box component has been given a size (for example by being the root layout, or by being used as a child in Rows or Columns and been given a size(), etc.), then it's child will by default get the same size as the Box component itself (except its padding).

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(5).child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
				Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

If the Box component has not been given a size, then it will by default be big enough to contain it's child component.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
				Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

width() - Setting the width

Use the configuration method width() to tell the Box component how many millimeters wide its child should be. Pass it the width as a number.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).width(20).child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

left() - Left aligning the box

If you use the configuration method width(), the child will by default be centered at the space given to it by its parent layout. Use the configuration method left() to tell the Box component that the child should be to the left instead.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).width(20).left().child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

right() - Right aligning the box

If you use the configuration method width(), the child will by default be centered at the space given to it by its parent layout. Use the configuration method right() to tell the Box component that the child should be to the right instead.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).width(20).right().child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

height() - Setting the height

Use the configuration method height() to tell the Box component how many millimeters tall its child should be. Pass it the height as a number.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).height(20).child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

top() - Top aligning the box

If you use the configuration method height(), the child will by default be centered at the space given to it by its parent layout. Use the configuration method top() to tell the Box component that the child should be to the top instead.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).height(20).top().child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

bottom() - Bottom aligning the box

If you use the configuration method height(), the child will by default be centered at the space given to it by its parent layout. Use the configuration method bottom() to tell the Box component that the child should be to the bottom instead.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).height(20).bottom().child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The child is lime!`)

aspectRatio() - Setting the relation between width and height

Instead of giving the Box component an explicit width and height, you can use the width or height given to it by its parent layout or by calling the configuration methods width() or height() to automatically compute the other one based on the Box component's given aspect ratio, which is set with the configuration method aspectRatio(). Pass it the aspect ratio as two numbers:

  • First the width
  • Then the height
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).width(30).aspectRatio(1, 2).child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`Width is 30mm, the aspect ratio is 1:2 (i.e. the height should be twice as big as the width), so the height is computed as 60mm.`)

If you use aspectRatio() without using width() and height(), then the Box component will get the biggest size possible to honor the given aspect ratio.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Box.backgroundColor(`red`).padding(1).aspectRatio(2, 1).child(
			Text.backgroundColor(`lime`).text(`The width is always exactly 2 times bigger than the height, but never bigger than the screen!`)