Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the GUI Component Button.

More configuration methods

This webpage only contains descriptions of the configuration methods that are specific to the Button component. The Button component also supports the configuration methods described on the page Component.


The Button component is a view that displays some text to the user shown as a button, and which the user can click on. Clicking on the Button takes the user to the next page in the app.


Example showing what the Button component looks like when shown on the screen.


Note: In this example, the Button covers the entire screen (which usually isn't the case), and clicking on it just reloads the same page, so nothing should happen when you click on the Button in this example.

text() - Setting the text

Use the configuration method text() to tell the Button component which text it should display. Pass the text as a string. The text will always be centered in the Button.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Button.text(`Click me!`)

textWithBBCode() - Setting styled text

Use the configuration method textWithBBCode() to tell the Text component which text it should show on the screen and that also can be styled with bbcode tags. Pass the text as a string. The text will always be centered in the Button.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Button.textWithBBCode(`Click me [b][u]now[/u][/b]!`)

page() - Going to another page

Use the configuration method page() to tell the Button component which page the user should come to when clicking on the button. Pass the page as an argument.

If this method is not used, the current page will be reloaded when the user clicks on the button.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Button.text(`Go there`).page(DestinationPage)
class DestinationPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Welcome to the DestinationPage!`),
			Button.text(`Back to StartPage`).page(StartPage),

onClick() - Handling clicks

Use the configuration method onClick() to tell the Button component which method to call when the user clicks on it. Pass the configuration method a reference to the method (e.g. a.theMethodName or p.theMethodName, depending on what you have named your method and if you wrote it in your App class or Page class).

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class StartPage extends Page{
	numberOfButtonClicks = 0
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`You have clicked the button ${p.numberOfButtonClicks} times.`),
			Button.text(`Click me!`).onClick(p.incrementNumberOfButtonClicks),
		p.numberOfButtonClicks += 1

You can also pass onClick() additional arguments, which then will be passed to your method when the button is clicked.

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class StartPage extends Page{
	counter = 0
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Counter is ${p.counter}.`),
			Button.text(`-1`).onClick(p.changeCounter, -1),
			Button.text(`+1`).onClick(p.changeCounter, 1),
			Button.text(`+5`).onClick(p.changeCounter, 5),
		p.counter += amount

stay() - Not changing page

Use the configuration method stay() to tell the Button component to not go to the next page when the user clicks it. This is primarily useful when you use the Updater component together with the configuration method .onClick() on the Button.


Triggering manual updates of the GUI like this with the Updater component tends to make your code hard to read and hard to understand how it works. If you can achieve the same functionality by loading the page anew, that is usually better than triggering your own manual updates like this.


In this example, when clicking on the second Button, the counter will be incremented from 1 to 2, but since the default behavior when clicking on a Button is to go to the next page, the page will directly after that be reloaded, and p.counter will be set to 1 in onBefore().

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class StartPage extends Page{
	counter = 0
		p.counter = 1
		return Rows.children(
			Button.onClick(p.incrementCounter).text(`Increment and stay`).stay(),
		return Text.text(`The counter is ${p.counter}.`)
		p.counter += 1