Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.

Configuration Methods

On this page you find the documentation for configuration methods than can be used on all GUI components.

backgroundColor() - Setting the background color

Indicates which background color the GUI component should have. Possible values:

  • A string containing the name of a color in English, such as `red` or `blue`
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.text(`I have a red background!`)

border() - Adding a border around the component

Use the configuration method border(thickness, color, sides) to tell the component that is should have a border around itself.

The border will only be applied on the sides of the component indicated by the sides parameter, or all sides if no value for that parameter is provided.

This configuration method can be called multiple times to give different sides different type of borders.

The parameters:

  • thickness - A number indicating how many millimeters thick the border should be
  • color - The English name of a color the border should have, e.g. `blue`
  • sides - A string indicating which sides of the component the bord should be added to. Write:
    • t in the string to add it to the Top side
    • b in the string to add it to the Bottom side
    • l in the string to add it to the Left side
    • r in the string to add it to the Right side

If sides is not provided, the border will be added to all sides (the default value is `tblr`).

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.border(5, `blue`)
			.text(`This component has a 5mm thick blue border on all sides.`)
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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.border(5, `blue`, `tb`)
			.border(9, `lime`, `lr`)
			.text(`This component has different borders on top/bottom side and left/right side.`)

cornerRadius() - Rounding the corners

Use the configuration method cornerRadius() to tell the component how round the corners of the component should be. Pass the amount as an integer representing the number of milimeters. Default is 0, meaning the corners will be sharp (90 degrees; not round at all).

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.text(`The corners on this Text component are rounded.`)

keepIf() - Conditionally keep/remove the GUI component

By default, all the GUI components you use will be shown. Use the configuration method keepIf(condition) to only keep the GUI component if the condition you pass to it is true. If the condition instead is false, the GUI component will be removed, and not used at all.

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class StartPage extends Page{
	randomNumberBetween0And1 = 0
		p.randomNumberBetween0And1 = Math.random()
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`The random number is: ${p.randomNumberBetween0And1}.`),
			Text.keepIf(p.randomNumberBetween0And1 < 0.5).text(`That is a small number!`),
			Text.keepIf(0.5 <= p.randomNumberBetween0And1).text(`That is a big number!`),
			Button.text(`Generate new number`),

padding() - Adding space between the border and the content

Use the configuration method padding(amount, sides) to tell the component how much space there should be between the border of the component and its content. Default is 0, meaning no space at all.

The padding will only be applied to the sides of the component indicated by the sides parameter, or all sides if no value for that parameter is provided.

This configuration method can be called multiple times to give different sides different amounts of padding.

The parameters:

  • amount - The amount of padding the component should have in millimeters
  • sides - A string indicating which sides of the component the padding should be applied to. Write:
    • t in the string to include the Top side
    • b in the string to include the Bottom side
    • l in the string to include the Left side
    • r in the string to include the Right side

If sides is not provided, the padding will be applied to all sides (the default value is `tblr`).

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.text(`This component has 15mm padding on all sides.`)
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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text
			.padding(20, `tb`)
			.padding(10, `lr`)
			.text(`This component has 20mm padding on the top side and bottom side, and 10mm padding on the left and right side.`)

showIf() - Conditionally show/hide the GUI component

By default, all the GUI components you use will be shown. Use the configuration method showIf(condition) to only show the GUI component if the condition you pass to it is true. If the condition instead is false, the GUI component will still be used (so it will still occupy space), but it will not be shown to the user.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	randomNumberBetween0And1 = 0
		p.randomNumberBetween0And1 = Math.random()
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`The random number is: ${p.randomNumberBetween0And1}.`),
			Text.showIf(p.randomNumberBetween0And1 < 0.5).text(`That is a small number!`),
			Text.showIf(0.5 <= p.randomNumberBetween0And1).text(`That is a big number!`),
			Button.text(`Generate new number`),