Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the class Duration.


You can use the Duration class to create an object that represents a duration/an amount of time. A duration consists of:

  • A number of milliseconds
  • A number of seconds
  • A number of minutes
  • A number of hours
  • A number of days
  • A number of weeks (1 week = 7 days)

So you can use it, for example, to represent a duration of 3 hours, 20 minutes and 4 seconds.

Creating a new Duration object

To create a new Duration object, simply write Duration. This way, you obtain a Duration object representing a duration of no amount of time at all (all numbers = 0 in the duration object).

addXXX() - Adding time to the duration

Often, you want the duration to be of a specific amount of time. To tell the Duration object which amount of time that is, call the various addXXX() methods on it to add time of various units to it. Simply pass the amount of time as an integer to the method corresponding to the unit you want to use.

  • addMilliseconds()
  • addSeconds()
  • addMinutes()
  • addHours()
  • addDays()
  • addWeeks()

This example creates a duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds.


If you use a number that is too high for the unit, that number will automatically be converted into correct units.


This example also creates a duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds.


getXXX() - Retrieving parts from a Duration object

Use the different getXXX() methods to obtain the numbers for the different units the Duration objects consists of:

  • getMilliseconds()
  • getSeconds()
  • getMinutes()
  • getHours()
  • getDays()
  • getWeeks()
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	duration = Duration.addDays(3).addMinutes(4).addSeconds(90)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`getWeeks(): ${p.duration.getWeeks()}`),
			Text.text(`getDays(): ${p.duration.getDays()}`),
			Text.text(`getHours(): ${p.duration.getHours()}`),
			Text.text(`getMinutes(): ${p.duration.getMinutes()}`),
			Text.text(`getSeconds(): ${p.duration.getSeconds()}`),
			Text.text(`getMilliseconds(): ${p.duration.getMilliseconds()}`),

getTotalXXX() - Retrieving total numbers from the Duration object

Use the different getTotalXXX() methods to obtain the entire duration in a single unit:

  • getTotalMilliseconds()
  • getTotalSeconds()
  • getTotalMinutes()
  • getTotalHours()
  • getTotalDays()
  • getTotalWeeks()
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	duration = Duration.addMinutes(1).addSeconds(90)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`getTotalWeeks(): ${p.duration.getTotalWeeks()}`),
			Text.text(`getTotalDays(): ${p.duration.getTotalDays()}`),
			Text.text(`getTotalHours(): ${p.duration.getTotalHours()}`),
			Text.text(`getTotalMinutes(): ${p.duration.getTotalMinutes()}`),
			Text.text(`getTotalSeconds(): ${p.duration.getTotalSeconds()}`),
			Text.text(`getTotalMilliseconds(): ${p.duration.getTotalMilliseconds()}`),

Comparing Duration objects

Use the different isXXX() methods to compare different Duration objects:

  • durationA.isEquallyLongAs(durationB) to check if durationA is equally long as durationB
  • durationA.isShorterThan(durationB) to check if durationA is shorter than durationB
  • durationA.isShorterThanOrOrEquallyLongAs(durationB) to check if durationA is shorter than or equally long as durationB
Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
	durationA = Duration.addSeconds(30)
	durationB = Duration.addMinutes(1)
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`durationA.isEquallyLongAs(durationB): ${p.durationA.isEquallyLongAs(p.durationB)}`),
			Text.text(`durationA.isShorterThan(durationB): ${p.durationA.isShorterThan(p.durationB)}`),
			Text.text(`durationA.isShorterThanOrEquallyLongAs(durationB): ${p.durationA.isShorterThanOrEquallyLongAs(p.durationB)}`),

You can also use:

  • durationA < durationB instead of durationA.isShorterThan(durationB)
  • durationA <= durationB instead of durationA.isShorterThanOrEquallyLongAs(durationB)
== does not work!

You cannot use durationA == durationB to check if two Duration objects are equally long, because in JavaScript, the == operator on objects always checks if the two objects are the same object instance, and not if the objects contains similar values.