Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the GUI Component EnterText.

More configuration methods

This webpage only contains descriptions of the configuration methods that are specific to the EnterText component. The EnterText component also supports the configuration methods described on the page Component.


The EnterText component is a view in which the user can enter some text. If the user presses the Enter key () when the component has focus, the app will progress to the next page.


In this example, the GUI consists of only the EnterText component, so it covers the entire screen.


text() - Setting an initial text

Use the configuration method text() to give the EnterText a text it should contain from the start. Pass the text as a string.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return EnterText.text(`Write here!`)

placeholder() - Setting a placeholder text

Use the configuration method placeholder() to show a text in the EnterText component when it's empty.


Try typing some text in the example below, and see that the placeholder text disappears. If you then delete what you have typed, the placeholder text will be shown again.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return EnterText.placeholder(`Enter name`)

page() & pageIfEqual() - Going to next page

Use the configuration method pageIfEqual() to specify a Page the user should come to if they have entered some specific text in the component. Pass the method two values:

  1. The text the user might enter
  2. The Page the user should come to if that text has been entered

You can call this method multiple times.

Use the configuration method page() to specify which Page the user should come to if they have entered a text that's not equal to any of the texts passed to pageIfEquals().

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.grow(1).text(`Which is your favorite name?`),
					.pageIfEqual(`Peter`, BeautifulNamePage)
					.pageIfEqual(`Gargamel`, UglyNamePage)
					.pageIfEqual(``, EmptyNamePage),
class NormalNamePage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`That's no special name.`),
			Button.text(`Go back`).page(StartPage),
class BeautifulNamePage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Oh, that's a very beautiful name :)`),
			Button.text(`Go back`).page(StartPage),
class UglyNamePage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Oh, that's not a very nice name.`),
			Button.text(`Go back`).page(StartPage),
class EmptyNamePage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`You must enter a name...`),
			Button.text(`Go back`).page(StartPage),

store() - Storing the entered text

Use the configuration method store() to store the text the user has entered in an object (for example in a or p). Pass it two values:

  1. The object in which the entered text should be stored (e.g. a or p)
  2. The name of the variable in the object where the entered text should be stored as a string
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class MyApp extends App{
	name = `Unknown`
		return StartPage
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.grow(1).text(`What's your name?`),
				EnterText.grow(1).store(a, `name`).page(GreetingPage),
class GreetingPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Hello, ${}!`),
			Button.text(`Back to StartPage`).page(StartPage),

onChange() - Handling the entered text

Use the configuration method onChange() to tell the EnterText component which method to call to handle the entered text. This method will be called each time the user makes a change in the EnterText component, such as:

  • Writes a character in it
  • Removes a character from it
  • Paste text in it
  • Removes all text in it
  • Etc.

Your method will also be passed the entered text as an argument, and additional arguments passed to onChange() will also be passed to the method you pass to onChange().

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class MyApp extends App{
	name = `Unknown`
		return StartPage
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.grow(1).text(`What's your name?`),
	handleEnteredName(enteredName){ = enteredName.toUpperCase()
class GreetingPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.text(`Hello, ${}!`),
			Button.text(`Back to StartPage`).page(StartPage),