Note: This is a pre-release of BagaWork. Many things will likely change before the first stable release.


On this page you find the documentation for the Font class.

Using the Font class

The Font you create with this class can be passed to a component's configuration method font(). The font you pass to it will then be applied to the text in:

  • That component, and
  • That component's child components, and
  • Those component's child components, etc.
BBCode is an alternative

You can also use bbcode to style text. BBCode is suitable to use when you want to style parts of a text in a component, such as a specific word, or a specific sentence in a text with multiple sentences, etc.


The Font class represents information about how text should be formatted, such as:

  • The color of the text
  • The size of the text
  • The boldness of the text
  • Etc.

bold() - Making the text bold

Use the configuration method bold() to make the text bold.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.font(Font.bold()).text(`Here is some text!`)

color() - Setting the text color

Use the configuration method color() to specify which color the text should have. Pass it a string containing the name of the color in English, such as `red` or `blue`.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.font(Font.color(`red`)).text(`Here is some text!`)

italic() - Making the text italic

Use the configuration method italic() to make the text italic.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.font(Font.italic()).text(`Here is some text!`)

size() - Setting the text size

Use the configuration method size() to specify how tall the text should be. Pass it a number indicating the text's size. See also Units.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Rows.children(
			Text.font(Font.size(8)).text(`Here is some text!`),
			Text.font(Font.size(sw(12))).text(`Here is some text!`),

strikethrough() - Making the text strikethroughed

Use the configuration method strikethrough() to make the text strikethroughed.

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class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.font(Font.strikethrough()).text(`Here is some text!`)

underline() - Making the text underlined

Use the configuration method underline() to make the text underlined.

Open in Online Editor
class StartPage extends Page{
		return Text.font(Font.underline()).text(`Here is some text!`)