On this page you find the documentation for the GUI Component Image
This webpage only contains descriptions of the configuration methods that are specific to the Image
component. The Image
component also supports the configuration methods described on the page Component.
Until network permissions have been implemented, this component won't be supported.
The Image
component is a view that shows an image to the user.
Example showing what the Image
component looks like when shown on the screen.
- Specifying the image
Use the configuration method url()
to tell the Image
component which image it should show. Pass it the URL to the image as a string.
Example showing what the Image
component looks like when shown on the screen.
class StartPage extends Page{
return Image
The image will always be drawn at the center of the Image
component. Try resizing the app screen in the example above, and notice that the image always stays in the center.
Resizing the image
The Image
will occupy the space given to it by the layout it's in (or the entire screen if the Image
is the root component). If the layout hasn't given it a specific size (for example when using the Image
component as a child in a Rows or Columns layout without calling grow()
), it will have the same size as the image itself.
class StartPage extends Page{
return Rows.children(
If you want to give the image a specific size, put it in a Box component.
class StartPage extends Page{
return Box.backgroundColor(`lime`).width(20).height(20).child(